Thứ Ba, 01/04/2025

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Thứ Năm, 16:25 12/04/2018

Winter school” for Young Geologists-taught by Vietnamese and European lecturers

“Winter school” (E-learning) is one of main activities in Modernization of Geology Education in Russian and Vietnamese Universities (Mineral), which is one of on-going projects of Graduate University of Science and Technology. This project is funded by ERASMUS (KA2). There are 9 participants in this project, including universities from Germany, Austria, Italy, Russia and Vietnam.

The “Winter school”, which was planned to start from 26/2/2018 to 12/3/2018, will be taught by lecturers from Vietnam and Europe. After registering, students can have access to online lectures at any point during the program.

Winter school” for Young Geologists-taught by Vietnamese and European lecturers

Winter school” for Young Geologists-taught by Vietnamese and European lecturers

For registering:

Eligible participants: Geology students

Deadline for registration: 31/1/2017

For more information, please contact:

Ms. Hang: (+84) 93 661 8899

Scientific Coordination and International Cooperation

Graduate University of Science and Technology
