Thứ Ba, 01/04/2025

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Thứ Năm, 08:45 05/04/2018

Scholarship for 3 PhD students in Korea Research Institute of Chemical Technology (KRICT)

Regarding KRICT' UST -GUST cooperation program for the new Ph. D. students. We would like to inform that there are 3 positions available for Ph. D. student starting from Mar. 2019.

1. Field: Polymer Synthesis and Preparation, 1 student (After Master degree)

2. Field: Organic Chemistry/Material Chemistry, 1 student (After Master degree)

3. Field: Chemical Engineering, 1 student (After Master degree)

Deadline for online application: September.01.2018.

For more information, please contact: Prof. Tran Dai Lam, Vice-Rector of Graduate University of Science and Technology
