Thứ Tư, 26/03/2025

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Thứ Hai, 17:12 22/01/2018

The 8th International Conference APHydro


The conference calls on specialists and researchers, young scientists, Ph.D. and Master Students and all students engaged in the study of hydrodynamics in the naval architect, ocean technology, near shore and off shore constructions of Asia-Pacific Region. Upcoming 8th International Conference APHydro 2016 continues the tradition of the Pacific Region complex international scientific and practical activities on Marine Hydrodynamics in Naval Architecture, Ocean Technology and Constructions.

The conference will be held in Hanoi, Vietnam from 20-23 September 2016.

APHydro 2016 Objectives

The objectives of the conference are the coverage of current issues in the field of ocean technology and contructions, ship hydrodynamics, analysis of new trends and directions in research on these topics, as well as cultural exchange, development of friendly relations, cooperation and exchange of ideas among the participants.

Scope of Work

The conference welcomes papers in the aspects of hydrodynamics in the naval architecture, ocean technology, near shore and off shore constructions and other marine technologies, especially concerning the following topics but unlimited:

  • Marine Hydrodynamics and Science

  • Stratified Flows and Internal Waves

  • Hydrodynamics in Ocean Engineering

  • Coastal Engineering and Marine Environment

  • Underwater Technology

  • CFD in Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering

  • Near Shore and Off Shore Constructions

  • Ship Resistance and Hull Form

  • Ship Propulsion and Propellers

  • Ship Motion and Control

  • Onboard Monitoring Technology

  • Mooring System and its Dynamics

  • and others


  • Abstract submission:Jun 30, 2016

  • Full paper submission: Jun 30, 2016

  • Notification of full paper acceptance: Jul 31, 2016

  • Registration: Aug 15, 2016

  • Revision of paper submission: Aug 20, 2016

International Organizing Committee

  • Prof. Sergey Antonenko, Far Eastern Federal University.

  • Prof. Forng-Chen Chiu, National Taiwan University.

  • Prof. Yoo-Sang Choo, National University of Singapore.

  • Prof. Ho-Hwan Chun, Pusan National University.

  • Prof. Laurence J. Doctors, University of New South Wales.

  • Prof. Duong Ngoc Hai, Graduate University of Science and Technology, VAST.

  • Prof. Yoshiho Ikeda, Osaka Prefecture University.

  • Prof. Yonghwan Kim, Seoul National University.

  • Prof. Adi Maimun Abdul Malik, University Technology Malaysia.

  • Prof. Guoping Miao, Shanghai Jiao Tong University.

  • Dr. Naoya Umeda, Osaka University.

  • Dr. Renchuan Zhu, Shanghai Jiao Tong University.

Local Organizing Committee


  • Duong Ngoc Hai, Prof., Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology (VAST).


  • Dinh Van Manh, Prof., Institute of Mechanics, VAST.

Committee Members:

  • Dang The Ba, Prof., VNU University of Engineering and Technology.

  • Nguyen Tien Dat, Ph.D., Graduate University of Science and Technology, VAST.

  • Nguyen Tien Giang, Prof., VNU University of Science.

  • Nguyen Quang Hai, Prof., Naval Technical Institute.

  • Nguyen Xuan Hung, Prof., Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology.

  • Nguyen Viet Khoa, Prof., Institute of Mechanics, VAST.

  • Hoang Van Huan, Prof., Institute of Coastal and Offshore Engineering.

  • Tran Van Nam, Prof., The University of Da Nang.

  • Dinh Van Phong, Prof., Hanoi University of Science and Technology.

  • Le Quoc Tien, Ph.D., Vietnam Maritime University.

  • Nguyen Van Tuan, Prof., Thai Nguyen University.

Organized by:

APHydro 2016 organizing committee & Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology (Institute of Mechanics & Graduate University of Science and Technology)


If you would like more information about the sponsorship or exhibition opportunities available at APHydro 2016, please contact secretariat of APHydro 2016 on

+84.98. 30 05 163 (Ms. Lien)

Or mail to:

Web Site:

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