Lượt truy cập 5.914.593
Danh sách giáo trình, học liệu biên soạn bằng tiếng Anh
STT | Tên sách | Tên tác giả | Nhà xuất bản | Năm XB |
1 | Networking (Third Edition) | Bobbi Sandberg | Mc Graw-Hill | 2016 |
2 | Database Systems for Advanced Applications (Part 1) | Shamkant B.Navathe | Springer | 2016 |
3 | Evolutionary Computation in Combinatiorial Optimization | Francisco Chicano | Springer | 2016 |
4 | Language and Automata Theory and Applications | Adrian-Horia Dediu | Springer | 2016 |
5 | Architecture of computing Systems - ARCS 2016 | Frank Hannig | Springer | 2016 |
6 | Artificial intelligence | Stuart Russell | Pearson | 2016 |
7 | Intelligent Information and Database Systems | Ngoc Thanh Nguyen | Springer | 2016 |
8 | Verification, Model Checking, and Abstract Interpretation | Barbara Jobstmann | Springer | 2016 |
9 | Vietnam Journal of mathematics | Springer | 2015 | |
10 | Guide to computer network security | Kizza, Joseph Migga | Springer London Heidelberg | 2015 |
11 | Structured Object-Oriented Formal Language ang Method | Shaoying Liu | Springer | 2015 |
12 | Languages and Compilers for Parallel Computing | Xipeng Shen | Springer | 2015 |
13 | Cyber Security | Kristin Haltinner | Springer | 2015 |
14 | 3d multiscale physiological human | Magnenat-Thalmann, Nadia | Springer | 2014 |
15 | What is computer science? | Page, Daniel | Springer | 2014 |
16 | Verification of business rules programs | Silva, Bruno Berstel-Da | Springer | 2014 |
17 | Wireless sensors in industrial time-critical environments | Ceci'lio, Jose' | Springer | 2014 |
18 | Soft computing in big data processing | Lee, Keon Myung | Springer | 2014 |
19 | Engineering secure future internet services and systems | Heisel, Maritta | Springer | 2014 |
20 | 3D future internet media | Kondoz, Ahmet | Springer | 2014 |
21 | Secure cloud computing | Springer | 2014 | |
22 | GPU Pro 4 : advanced rendering techniques | Engel, Wolfgang | CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group | 2013 |
23 | Cloud computing | Jamsa, Kris | Jones & Bartlett Learning | 2013 |
24 | Developing safety-critical software | Rierson, Leanna | CRC Press/Taylor & Francis Group | 2013 |
25 | Data mining mobile devices | Mena, Jesus | CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group | 2013 |
26 | Big data and business analytics | Liebowitz, Jay | CRC Press | 2013 |
27 | Structured peer-to-peer systems | Korzun, Dmitry | Springer | 2013 |
28 | Security anh privacy in social networks | Altshuler, Yaniv | Springer | 2013 |
29 | Bluetooth security attacks | Haataja, Keijo | Springer | 2013 |
30 | The influence of technology on social network analysis and mining | Ozyer, Tansel | Springer | 2013 |
31 | Data mining | Han, Jiawei | Elsevier | 2011 |
32 | Complier Construction | Wirth, Niklaus | Addison Wesley | 2011 |
33 | Principles of computer system design | Saltzer, Jerome H. | Massachusetts institute of technology | 2009 |
34 | Prical 2008 : Trends in artificial intelligence | Tu Bao Ho | Springer | 2008 |
35 | Soft computing for knowledge technology ( SCKT - 08 ) | Son, Nguyen Hung | Springer | 2008 |
36 | Pacific rim knowledge acquisition | Byeong, Ho Kang | Springer | 2008 |
37 | Knowledge, Language, and Learning in Bioinformatics | Kenji, Satou | Springer | 2008 |
38 | Empirical Methods for Asian Language Processing | Shimazu, Akira | Springer | 2008 |
39 | Modern Power System Analysis | Kothari, D. P | Mc Graw Hill | 2008 |
40 | Advanced grammar in Use | Hewings, Martin | Thanh niên | 2008 |
41 | Oracle E-business suite security | Abel, John. | McGraw-Hill | 2007 |
42 | Object-oriented & classical software engineering | Schach, Stephen R. | McGraw-Hill Higher Education | 2007 |
43 | Citrix Access Security for it Administrators | Rinaldi , Wendy | Mc Graw - Hill | 2007 |
44 | Microsoft SQL Server 2005 | Shapiro, Jeffrey R. | McGraw-Hill | 2007 |
45 | Oracle SQL developer handbook | Hotka, Dan. | McGraw-Hill | 2007 |
46 | ATM networks | Kasera, Sumit | McGraw-Hill Higher Education | 2007 |
47 | Communication networks | Kasera, Sumit | McGraw-Hill | 2007 |
48 | Compiler principles,techniques and tools | Aho, Alfred V. | Pearson Education | 2007 |
49 | Computerized maintenance management systems made easy | Bagadia, Kishan | McGraw-Hill | 2006 |
50 | Minoli-Cordovana’s authoritative computer & network security dictionary | Minoli, Daniel | Wiley-Interscience | 2006 |
51 | An introduction to object-oriented programming with Java | Wu, C. Thomas. | McGraw-Hill | 2006 |
52 | Oracle HTML DB handbook | Linnemeyer, Lawrence. | McGraw-Hill/Osborne | 2006 |
53 | Advances in Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining. 9th Pacific-Asia Conference PAKDD 2005,Hanoi,VN,May 2005.Proceedings | Tu Bao, Ho | Springer | 2005 |
54 | Theoretical Aspects of Computing | Van Hung, Dang | Springer | 2005 |
55 | Mastering CAD/CAM | Zeid, Ibrahim | McGraw-Hill Higher Education | 2005 |
56 | Nano - CMOS Circuit and Physical Design | Wong Ban P. | John Wiley | 2005 |
57 | Theory introduction to programming languages | Aaby, Anthony A. | Walla Walla College | 2004 |
58 | Digital logic testing and simulation | Miczo, Alexander | Wiley-Interscience | 2003 |
59 | Specification case studies in RAISE | Hung Dang Van | Springer-Verlag | 2002 |
60 | XML, HTML, XHTML, Magic | Holzschlag, Molly E. | New Riders | 2002 |
61 | Software Engineering | Pressman, Roger S | McGraw-Hill | 2001 |
62 | Internetworking with TCP/IP. Vol.3: Client Server Programming and Applications | COMER Douglas E. and STEVENS David L. | Prentice-Hall | 2001 |
63 | eBusiness | Elsenpeter, Robert C. | Osborne | 2001 |
64 | McGraw-Hill encyclopedia of networking & telecommunications | Sheldon, Thomas | Osborne | 2001 |
65 | Software Specification Methods an Overview Using a Case Study | Frappier , Marc | Springer | 2001 |
66 | XML Developr's Guide | Arciniegas, Fabio | McGraw-Hill | 2001 |
67 | Computer Science Project Work | Fincher, Sally | Springer | 2001 |
68 | Data Mining and Computational Intelligence | Kandel, Abraham | Physica-Verlag | 2001 |
69 | VJMEDIMAG 2001 Final Program: First Vietnam Japan Symposium on Medical Imaging/ Informatics and Applications | Hata, Yutaka | IOIT | 2001 |
70 | Unix System Administration Handbook | Evi Nemeth | Prentice Hall | 2001 |
71 | Neural Networks for Pattern Recognition | Bishop, Christopher M. | Oxford University Press | 2001 |
72 | Database Management Systems | Ramakrishnan, Raghu | McGraw-hill | 2000 |
73 | Reinforcement Learning an Introduction | Sutton, Richards | MIT | 2000 |
74 | XML How to Program | Deitel, H.M. | Prentice-hall | 2000 |
75 | Linux | Petersen, Richard | McGraw-Hill | 2000 |
76 | User Developer Cooperation in Software Development | O’Neill, Eamonn | Springer | 2000 |
77 | The Unified Process for Practitioners Object Oriented Design UML and Java | Hunt, John | Springer | 2000 |
78 | Formal Methods in Computer-Aided Design | Hunt, Warren A. | Springer | 2000 |
79 | OOIS 2000 | Patel , Dilip | Springer | 2000 |
80 | Design of Information Systems a Modern Approach | Mishra, Jibitesh | Alpha science intern | 2000 |
81 | How to Solve it : Modern Heuristics | Michalewicz, Zbigniew | Springer | 2000 |
82 | Messen, Steuern und regeln mit PIC - Mikrocontrollern | Kohtz, Dieter | Franzis Verlag GmbH | 2000 |
83 | Foundations of software technology and theoretical computer science | Kapoor, Sanjiv | Springer-Verlag | 2000 |
84 | Fuzzy if-then rules in computational intelligence | Ruan, Da | Kluwer academic pub. | 2000 |
85 | Advanced database indexing | Manolopoulos, Yannis | Kluwer Academic Pub. | 2000 |
86 | Data & Computer Communications | Stallings, William | Macmillan Pub. Co. | 2000 |
87 | Java and XML | McLaughlin, Brett | O’Reilly | 2000 |
88 | Object Oriented Software Engineering | Bruegge, Bernd | Prentice Hall | 2000 |
89 | Health and wealth in vietnam | Haughton, Dominique | Institute of Southeast Asian Studies | 1999 |
90 | Software Project Management | Hughes, Bob | McGraw-hill | 1999 |
91 | Parallel Processing and Parallel Algorithms | Roosta, Seyed H. | Springer | 1999 |
92 | Designing ATM Switching Networks | Guizani, Mohsen | McGraw-hill | 1999 |
93 | Systems and Software Verification | Bérard, Béatrice, .. | Springer | 1999 |
94 | Fuzzy sets in approximate reasoning and information systems | James C. Bezdek | Kluwer Academic | 1999 |
95 | Parallel Programming | Wilkinson, Barry | Prentice Hall | 1999 |
96 | Multiaccess, mobility and teletraffic for wireless communications | Leung, Kim K. | Kluwer Academic Pub. | 1999 |
97 | Unix for Programmers and Users | Glass, Graham | Prentice-Hall | 1999 |
98 | MySQL & mSQL | Yarger, Randy Jay | O'Reilly | 1999 |
99 | Java Enterprise in a Nutshell | Flanagan, David | O’Reilly | 1999 |
100 | The Unified Software Development Process | Jacobson, Ivar | Addison-Wesley | 1999 |
101 | The Unified Modeling Language User Guide | Booch, Grady | Addison-Wesley | 1999 |
102 | Computer Architecture Complexity and Correctness | Müller, Silvia M. | Springer | 1998 |
103 | Data Structures and Algorithms in Java | Goodrich, Michael T. | John Wiley & Sons | 1998 |
104 | HTML Programmer's Reference | Powell, Thomas A. | McGraw-hill | 1998 |
105 | Local Area Networks and their applications | Tangney, Brendan | Prentince Hall | 1998 |
106 | Advances in computing science, ASIAN ’98 | Ohori, Atsushi | 1998 | |
107 | Prinzipien des Betriebssystems OS/EC | Grund, F. | Ver deutscher verlag der Wissenchaften | 1998 |
108 | Formal description techniques and protocol specification, testing, and verification | Budkowski, Stan | Kluwer Academic pub. | 1998 |
109 | Information retrieval | Crestani, Fabio | Kluwer Academic Pub. | 1998 |
110 | High Performance Computing Systems and Applications | Kluwer Academic Pub, | 1998 | |
111 | Compilers Principles Techniques and Tools | Aho, Alfred | Addison-Wesley | 1998 |
112 | Applying UML and patterns | Larman, Craig | Prentice Hall PTR | 1998 |
113 | Proceedings of the Fifth Vietnamese Mathematical Conference. | Dung, Dinh | Science and Technics pub. house | 1997 |
114 | Langage Java | Phong Tuan, Nghiem | Infoprax | 1997 |
115 | The squandered computer | Strassmann, Paul A. | Information Economics Press | 1997 |
116 | Parameterized complexity | Downey, R.G. | Springer | 1997 |
117 | Introduction to the Theory of Computation | Sipses, Michael | PWS pub. | 1997 |
118 | Data Structures and Algorithms in C++ | Drozdek, Adam | PWS | 1996 |
119 | Matlab : New Features Guide Version 4.0 | The MathWorks | 1996 | |
120 | Java Unleashed | Sams.net | 1996 | |
121 | Matlab | Addison-Wesley | 1996 | |
122 | Matlab : External Interface Guide | The MathWorks | 1996 | |
123 | Matlab : Building a Graphical User Interface | The MathWorks | 1996 | |
124 | Matlab : MATLAB Notebook Suite User's Guide | The MathWorks | 1996 | |
125 | Matlab | The MathWorks | 1996 | |
126 | Matlab : Connections | The MathWorks | 1996 | |
127 | Matlab : Release Notes Version 4.2 | The MathWorks | 1996 | |
128 | Lotus Notes 4 : Internotes Web Publisher Guide | InterNotes Web Pub. | 1996 | |
129 | Lotus Notes 4 : InterNotes Web Navigator Administrator's Guide | InterNotes Web Pub. | 1996 | |
130 | Lotus Notes 4: Migration | InterNotes Web Pub. | 1996 | |
131 | Lotus Notes 4 : Release Notes | InterNotes Web Pub. | 1996 | |
132 | Lotus Notes 4 : Network Configuration Guide | InterNotes Web Pub. | 1996 | |
133 | Lotus Notes 4 : Install Guide for Servers | InterNotes Web Pub. | 1996 | |
134 | Lotus Notes 4 : Migration Guide | InterNotes Web Pub. | 1996 | |
135 | Lotus Notes 4 : Administrator's Guide | Sams Pub. | 1996 | |
136 | Fortran PowerStation Getting Started | Microsoft | 1996 | |
137 | Fortran PowerStation Reference | Microsoft | 1996 | |
138 | Fortran PowerStation Programmer's Guide | Microsoft | 1996 | |
139 | Corel Draw 6.0 | Corel Corporation | 1996 | |
140 | Teach Yourself Java in 21 Days | Lemay, Laura | Sams.net | 1996 |
141 | Adobe Photoshop 3.0 | Adobe Systems | 1996 | |
142 | Adobe Photoshop 3.0 | Adobe Systems | 1996 | |
143 | Oracle Designer/2000 | Oracle Corp. | 1996 | |
144 | Oracle Designer/2000 | Oracle Corp. | 1996 | |
145 | Oracle Designer/2000 | Oracle Corp. | 1996 | |
146 | Oracle Designer/2000 | Oracle Corp. | 1996 | |
147 | Getting Results with Microsoft Office for Windows 95.Version 7.0 | Microsoft | 1996 | |
148 | Toolbook II | Lotus Dev.Corp. | 1996 | |
149 | Quarterdeck WebAuthor | Parker, Robert | Quarterdeck Corp. | 1996 |
150 | Mathematica | Stephen, Wolfram | Cambridge University | 1996 |
151 | Mathematica Reference Guide | Wolfram, Stephen. | Addison-Wesley Pub. Co. | 1996 |
152 | Mathematica 3.0. Standard Add-on Packages | Emily | Wolfram Media | 1996 |
153 | Getting Started with Mathematica under Microsofl Windows | Wolfram Media | 1996 | |
154 | Borland C++ Programmer's Guide | Borland International | 1996 | |
155 | Borland C++ User's Guide | Borland International | 1996 | |
156 | Microsoft Visual Basic Programmer's Guide | Microsoft Corp. | 1996 | |
157 | Microsoft Visual Basic Professional Features | Microsoft Corp. | 1996 | |
158 | Microsoft Visual Basic Crystal Reports for Visual Basic User's Manual | Microsoft Corp. | 1996 | |
159 | Microsoft Visual Basic | Microsoft Corp. | 1996 | |
160 | Microsoft SQL Server | Microsoft Corporation | 1996 | |
161 | Microsoft SQL Server 6.5. | Microsoft Corporation | 1996 | |
162 | Microsoft Windows NT Server | Microsoft Corp. | 1996 | |
163 | Microsoft Visual FoxPro Installation Guide and Master Index | Microsoft Corp. | 1996 | |
164 | Microsoft Visual FoxPro Developer's Guide | Microsoft Corporation | 1996 | |
165 | Microsoft Visual FoxPro Professional Features Guide | Microsoft Corp. | 1996 | |
166 | Microsoft Visual FoxPro Language Reference | Microsoft Corporation | 1996 | |
167 | Microsoft Visual FoxPro User's Guide | Microsoft Corp. | 1996 | |
168 | Microsoft Visual C++ | Microsoft Corporation | 1996 | |
169 | Microsoft Visual C++ | Microsoft Corporation | 1996 | |
170 | Microsoft Windows NT Server | Microsoft Corporation | 1996 | |
171 | Microsoft SNA Server | Microsoft Corporation | 1996 | |
172 | Microsoft Systems Managament Server | Microsoft Corporation | 1996 | |
173 | Microsoft Exchange Server Vers. 4.0. Installation Guide | Microsoft Corp. | 1996 | |
174 | Microsoft Internet infomation server | Microsoft Corp. | 1996 | |
175 | Microsoft SNA Server | Microsoft Corp. | 1996 | |
176 | Microsoft Backoffice. Getting Started | Microsoft Corp. | 1996 | |
177 | Understanding ActiveX and OLE | Chappell, David | Microsoft Press | 1996 |
178 | Case studies in object-oriented analysis and design | Yourdon, Edward | Prentice Hall PTR | 1996 |
179 | Differential Equations | Ross, Clay C. | Springer-Verlag | 1995 |
180 | Linear Functions and Matrix Theory | Jacob, Bill | Springer-Verlag | 1995 |
181 | Teach Yourself Visual Basic in 21 days | Gurewich, Nathan | Sams Pub. | 1995 |
182 | Schaum's Outline Series Theory and Problems of Programming with Modern Structured Cobol | Newcomer, Larry | McGraw-hill | 1995 |
183 | Lotus Notes 4 : Deplogment Guide | Cambridge Parkway | 1995 | |
184 | Signal Processing New Releases | Harris | 1995 | |
185 | Teach yourself OLE Programming in 21 days | Harris, Lawrence | Sams Pub | 1995 |
186 | Teach yourself Visual Basic in 21 days | Gurewich, Nathan | Sams Pub. | 1995 |
187 | Introduction to Diophantine Approximations | Lang, Serge | Springer-Verlag | 1995 |
188 | Le développement du logiciel | Carlier, Alphonse | Hermes | 1995 |
189 | Developing Object Oriented Data Structures Using C++ | McMonnies, Alistair | McGraw-hill | 1995 |
190 | C and UNIX programming a conceptual perspective | Kutti, Narayanaswamy | Tata McGraw-hill | 1995 |
191 | Air Pollution Control Engineering | De Nevers, Noel | McGraw-hill | 1995 |
192 | Computational fluid dynamics | Anderson, John D. | McGraw-hill | 1995 |
193 | Parallel and Vector Computing a Practical Introduction | Leiss, Ernst | McGraw-Hill | 1995 |
194 | The desktop musician | Rubin, David M. | Osborne McGraw-Hill | 1995 |
195 | Satellite communication systems | Richharia, M. | McGraw-hill | 1995 |
196 | LAN times guide to networking Windows 95 | Shimmin, Brad | McGraw-Hill | 1995 |
197 | Multimedia Networking | Szuprowicz, Bohdan O. | McGraw-hill | 1995 |
198 | Fundamentals of computing | Tucker, Allen B. | McGraw-Hill | 1995 |
199 | Fuzzy logic with engineering applications | Ross, Timothy J. | McGraw-Hill | 1995 |
200 | Data Communications Using Object Oriented Design and C++ | Ananthaswamy, Anil | Mc Graw-hill | 1995 |
201 | Object-Oriented Programming with C++ | Balagurusamy, E. | Tata McGraw-hill | 1995 |
202 | Schildt's Windows 95 Programming in C and C++ | Schildt, Herbert | Osborne McGraw-hill | 1995 |
203 | Managing Local Area Networks | Case, Thomas L. | McGraw-hill | 1995 |
204 | Information Systems | Hussain, K.M. | Tata McGraw-hill | 1995 |
205 | Network Management Standards | Black, Uyless | McGraw -hill | 1995 |
206 | Digital Commmunications | Proakis, John G. | McGraw-hill | 1995 |
207 | Fundamentals of Computing II | Tucker, Allen B. | McGraw-Hill | 1995 |
208 | Machine vision | Jain, Ramesh | McGraw-hill | 1995 |
209 | Advanced Microprocessors | Tabak, Daniel | McGraw-hill | 1995 |
210 | Network Security | Baker, Richard H. | McGraw-hill | 1995 |
211 | Communication electronics | Frenzel, Louis E. | McGraw-hill | 1995 |
212 | Algorithms, Concurrency and Knowledge | Kanchanasut, Kanchana | Springer-Verlag | 1995 |
213 | Understanding GIS | Redlands, Calif | Microsoft word | 1995 |
214 | Essential System Administration | Frisch, Aeleen | O'Reilly | 1995 |
215 | Regression Analysis | Graybill, Franklin A. | Duxbury | 1994 |
216 | An Introduction to Numerical Linear Algebra | Cullen, Charles G | PWS pub. | 1994 |
217 | An introduction to Stochastic Modeling | Taylor, Howard M | Academic Press | 1994 |
218 | The Norton Utilities | Peter Norton Computing | 1994 | |
219 | Adobe Photoshop 3.0 | Adobe Systems | 1994 | |
220 | International Directory of Institutions Specialized in Informatics | United Nations Educational.. | 1994 | |
221 | L'entreprise délocalisée | Benchimol, Guy | Hermès | 1994 |
222 | Introduction to Time-Series Modeling and Forecasting in Introduction to time-series modeling and forecasting in business and economics | Gaynor, Patricia E. | McGraw-hill | 1994 |
223 | Fundamentals of marketing | Stanton, William J. | McGraw-hill | 1994 |
224 | Parallel computing | Quinn, Michael J. | McGraw-hill | 1994 |
225 | Contemporary statistics | Gordon, Sheldon P. | McGraw-Hill | 1994 |
226 | Open channel hydraulics | French, Richard H. | McGraw-hill | 1994 |
227 | Fundamentals of Computing 1 | Tucker, Allen B. | McGraw-Hill | 1994 |
228 | PC Software Made Simple | Taxali, Ravi Kant | Tata McGraw-Hill | 1994 |
229 | Advances in Data Management '94 | Sadanandan, P. | Tata McGraw-Hill | 1994 |
230 | Multimedia Making it Work | Vaughan, Tay | Osborne McGraw-hill | 1994 |
231 | Client / Server Architecture | Berson, Alex | McGraw-hill | 1994 |
232 | Feedback controllers for the process industries | Shinskey, F. Greg | McGraw-hill | 1994 |
233 | Management Information Systems | Kroenke, David | McGraw-hill | 1994 |
234 | Neural Networks in Computer Intelligence | Fu, LiMin | McGraw-hill | 1994 |
235 | Cryptography and Secure Communications | Rhee, Man Young | McGraw-hill | 1994 |
236 | Fundamental Photoshop | Droblas, Adele | Osborne McGraw-Hill | 1994 |
237 | Encyclopedia of Networking | Sheldon, Tom | McGraw-Hill | 1994 |
238 | LAN times guide to interoperability | Sheldon, Tom | McGraw-Hill | 1994 |
239 | Lan times E-Mail resource guide | Drummond, Rik | McGraw-Hill | 1994 |
240 | Business Week Guide to Multimedia Presentations | Lindstrom, Robert L. | Osborne McGraw-hill | 1994 |
241 | Synthesis and optimization of digital circuits | De Micheli, Giovanni | McGraw-hill | 1994 |
242 | Advanced Concepts in Operating Systems | Singhal, Mukesh | Mc Graw-hill | 1994 |
243 | Image Processing | Sid-Ahmed, Maher A. | McGraw-hill | 1994 |
244 | Computer Systems and Education | Rajaraman, V. | McGraw-hill | 1994 |
245 | Information Systems Concepts for Management | Lucas, Henry C. | McGraw-hill | 1994 |
246 | Computer architecture | Feldman, James M. | McGraw-hill | 1994 |
247 | Programming with PASCAL and C | Venugopal, K.R | Tata McGraw-Hill | 1994 |
248 | Teach yourself C++ | Schildt, Herbert | McGraw-hill | 1994 |
249 | IGIS ’94-- geographic information systems | Nievergelt, Jurg | Springer-Verlag | 1994 |
250 | Introduction to the Practice of Statistics | Moore, David S. | W.H. Freeman and company | 1993 |
251 | Elementary Linear Algebra | Andrilli, Stephen Francis | PWS-Kent | 1993 |
252 | Algebra | Lang, Serge | Addison-Wesley | 1993 |
253 | 8051 - Mikrocontroller und assembler kursus | Martin Ohsmann | Elektor - Verlag GmbH | 1993 |
254 | Portable document format reference manual | Addison-Wesley Pub. Co. | 1993 | |
255 | Advanced Computer Architecture | Hwang, Kai | McGraw-hill | 1993 |
256 | Numerical Methods for Engineers and Scientists | Hoffman, Joe D. | McGraw-Hill | 1993 |
257 | Applied Mathematics for Business, Economics, and the Social Sciences | Budnick, Frank S. | McGraw-hill | 1993 |
258 | Systems analysis & design | Edwards, Perry | McGraw-hill | 1993 |
259 | Distributed Databases, Cooperative Processing, and Networking | Atre, S. | McGraw-hill | 1993 |
260 | Computational Aids in Control Systems Using MATLAB | Saadat, Hadi | McGraw-hill | 1993 |
261 | VHDL Analysis and Modeling of Digital Systems | Navabi, Zainalabedin | McGraw-hill | 1993 |
262 | Linear control systems | Rohrs, Charles E | McGraw-Hill | 1993 |
263 | Fourier series and boundary value problems | Brown, James Ward | McGraw-hill | 1993 |
264 | Voice Processing | Pelton, G. | McGraw-hill | 1993 |
265 | Client / Server Computing | Dewire, Dawna Travis | McGraw-hill | 1993 |
266 | Telecommunication transmission systems | Winch, Robert G. | McGraw-hill | 1993 |
267 | Business Statistics for Management and Economics | Daniel, Wayne W. | Houghton Mifflin | 1992 |
268 | Statistix | Analytical Software | 1992 | |
269 | Mastering Harvard graphics 3.0 | Read, Donald Richard | Windcrest/McGraw-Hill | 1992 |
270 | Quattro Pro 4 | Borland international, Inc. | 1992 | |
271 | The whole Internet user’s guide & catalog | Krol, Ed | O’Reilly & Associates | 1992 |
272 | Managing UUCP and Usenet | O’Reilly, Tim | O’Reilly and Associates | 1992 |
273 | Word Perfect for Windows | Dyson, Steve | Osborne McGraw-Hill | 1992 |
274 | Computing, a human activity | Naur, Peter | ACM Press | 1992 |
275 | Mathématiques financières approfondies | Bonneau, Pierre | Dunod | 1992 |
276 | Quantitative approaches to management | Levin, Richard I. | McGraw-hill | 1992 |
277 | Multimedia applications development | Bunzel, Mark J. | McGraw-hill | 1992 |
278 | Marketing research | Chisnall, Peter M. | McGraw-hill book company | 1992 |
279 | Numerical Methods and Analysis | Buchanan, James L. | McGraw-Hill | 1992 |
280 | Autocad in 3D | Johnson, Frank J. | McGraw-hill | 1992 |
281 | Introduction to Operational Amplifier Theory and | Wait, John V. | McGraw-hill | 1992 |
282 | The boundary element method in engineering | Becker, A. A. | McGraw-hill | 1992 |
283 | Digital Control Systems Theory, Hardware, Software | Houpis, Constantine H. | McGraw-hill | 1992 |
284 | Using MS-DOS Kermit | Gianone, Christine M. | Digital press | 1992 |
285 | Computers and End-User Software | Athey, Thomas H. | Harper Collins Pub. | 1991 |
286 | Statistics a first course | Freund, John E. | Prentice-Hall | 1991 |
287 | Applied Multivariate Data Analysis | Jobson, J. D. | Springer-Verlag | 1991 |
288 | Inspection Errors for Attributes Control in Quality | Johnson, Norman Lloyd. | Chapman & Hall | 1991 |
289 | Evolutionary Systems Development | Crinnion, John | Pitman Publishing | 1991 |
290 | Ventura publisher Version 4.0 | Ventura software Inc. | 1991 | |
291 | Project Management for Information Systems | Yeates, Don | Pitman | 1991 |
292 | Ventura Publisher Windows Edition | Ventura Publisher | 1991 | |
293 | Mathématiques financières | O'Shaughnessy, Wilson | Les Éditions SMG | 1991 |
294 | Computer Architecture and Logic Design | Bartee, Thomas C. | McGraw-hill | 1991 |
295 | Artificial Intelligence | Rich, Elaine | Time life books | 1991 |
296 | Introduction to algorithms | Cormen, Thomas H. | McGraw-Hill | 1990 |
297 | Statistics by Example | Sincich, Terry | Dellen pub. | 1990 |
298 | Linear Algebra with Applications | Leon, Steven J. | Collier Macmillan | 1990 |
299 | Multivariate Statistical Methods | Morrison, Donald F. | McGraw-hill | 1990 |
300 | Introduction to Probability and Statistics | Milton, J.S. | McGraw-Hill | 1990 |
301 | Computer graphics | Angel, Edward. | Addison-Wesley Pub | 1990 |
302 | Merise | Hugues, J. | Dunod | 1990 |
303 | Applications of object-oriented programming | Pinson, Lewis J. | Addition-Wesley Publishing Company | 1990 |
304 | Introduction to Probability and Statistics | Milton, J. Susan | McGraw-hill | 1990 |
305 | Initiation à l'algorithmique et aux structures de données | Courtin, Jacques | Dunod | 1990 |
306 | Inside Xerox Ventura Publisher | Cavuoto, James | Ventana press | 1990 |
307 | Modern Business Statistics | Iman, Rolnald L. | John Wiley & Son | 1989 |
308 | A First Course in Business Statistics | McClave, James | Collier Macmillan | 1989 |
309 | Discrete and Combinatorial Mathematics: an Applied Introduction | Grimaldi, Ralph P. | Addison-Wesley | 1989 |
310 | Elements of Statistical Inference | Huntsberger, David V. | Allyn and Bacon | 1989 |
311 | Genetic Algorithms in Search Optimization & Machine Learning | Goldberg, David E. | Addison-Wesley Pub. Co. | 1989 |
312 | Harvard graphics | Software publishing corporation | 1989 | |
313 | Understanding and using dBASE IV | Krumm, Rob | Prentice Hall Trade | 1989 |
314 | Le langage c++ | Stroustrup, Bjarne | Addison uwesley Europe | 1989 |
315 | Mathématiques financières | Masiéri, Walder | Sirey | 1989 |
316 | Initiation à l'algorithmique et aux structures de données | Courtin, Jacques | Dunod | 1989 |
317 | Initiation à l’algorithmique et aux structures de données | Courtin, J. | Bordas | 1989 |
318 | MERISE | Collongues, Alain | Dunod | 1989 |
319 | Statistical Reasoning | Smith, Gary | Allyn and Bacon | 1988 |
320 | Statistics for Business and Economics | McClave, James T. | Dellen | 1988 |
321 | Applied Multivariate Statistical Analysis | Johnson, Richard Arnold | Prentice-Hall | 1988 |
322 | For all Practical Purposes Introduction to Contemporary Mathematics | W.H. Freeman and company | 1988 | |
323 | A unified introduction to linear algebra | Tucker, Alan | Collier Macmillan | 1988 |
324 | A Primer on Linear Algebra | Herstein, I. N. | Macmillan | 1988 |
325 | Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications | Rosen, Kenneth H. | Random House | 1988 |
326 | Introduction to Discrete Mathematics | Althoen, Steven C. | PWS-Kent | 1988 |
327 | Applied Numerical Linear Algebra | Hager, William W. | Prentice-Hall | 1988 |
328 | Introduction to Real Analysis | DePree, John D | John Wiley & Sons | 1988 |
329 | The New S Language | Becker, Richard A | Cole Advanced Books & Software | 1988 |
330 | Sensitivity Analysis in Linear Regression | Chatterjee, Samprit | John wiley & Sons | 1988 |
331 | Instructor's Manual Applied Numerical Linear Algebra | Hager, William W. | Prentice Hall | 1988 |
332 | Open Systems Interconnection | Toulhurst, M.R. | Macmillan Education | 1988 |
333 | Algorithms for equilibrium analysis in solution chemistry | Holmstrom, Kenneth | Solfjadern Tryck | 1988 |
334 | Microsoft QuickBasic 4.0 | IBM | 1987 | |
335 | Microsoft QuickBasic 4.0 | IBM | 1987 | |
336 | Introduction to Probability and Mathematical Statistics | Bain, Lee | Duxbury | 1987 |
337 | Microsoft QuickBasic 4.0 | IBM | 1987 | |
338 | Linear algebra | Barnett, Raymond A. | Collier Macmillan | 1987 |
339 | Experiments in Computational Matrix Algebra | Hill, David R. | Random hourse | 1987 |
340 | Operations Research: Applications and Algorithms | Winston, Wayne L. | Duxbury | 1987 |
341 | Numerical Methods for Computer Science, Engineering, and Mathematics | Mathews, John H | Prentice Hall | 1987 |
342 | Accounting Theory and Practice | Glautier, M. W. E. | PITMAN Pub. | 1987 |
343 | The insider’s guide to IBM PC hardware and software | Sandler, Corey | Scott, Foresman | 1987 |
344 | Using multimate advantage II | Multimate International Corporation | 1987 | |
345 | MultiMate advantage II | International Version | 1987 | |
346 | Programmer en macintosh | Carty, L. | Eyrolles | 1987 |
347 | Systèmes de gestion de bases de données sur micro-ordinateurs | Habrias, H. | Eyrolles | 1987 |
348 | Excel applications | Simerly, David K. | Sybex | 1987 |
349 | Lotus 1.2.3 Applications a la Gestion | Person, Ron | InterEditions | 1987 |
350 | Lotus 1.2.3 bibliothèque de macros | Ewing, David Paul | IntereEditions | 1987 |
351 | EXEL La practique | Campbell | InterEdition | 1987 |
352 | Mise en Oeuvre des Bases de Donnees. Principes Methodologiques | Chrisment, Claude | Eyrolles | 1987 |
353 | How to Look it up Online | Glossbrenner, Alfred | St. Martin’s Press | 1987 |
354 | Dynamic programming | Bertsekas, Dimitri P. | Prentice-Hall | 1987 |
355 | Kermit A file transfer protocol | Da Cruz, Frank | Digital Press | 1987 |
356 | Introduction to Linear Algebra | Anderson, Robert F.V. | Limited- Canada | 1986 |
357 | Linear Algebra a Comprehensive Introduction | Pelletier, Donald H. | Prentice-Hall | 1986 |
358 | Statistics for Management | Levin, Richard I | Prentice-Hall | 1986 |
359 | Discrete Mathematics | Johnsonbaugh, Richard | Macmollan pub. | 1986 |
360 | The Statistical Analysis of Data | Anderson T.W. | The Scientific | 1986 |
361 | Abstract Algebra | Herstein, I. N. | Macmillan pub. | 1986 |
362 | Basic Statistical Methods for Engineers and Scientists | Kennedy, John B. | Harper & row | 1986 |
363 | Performance analysis of local computer networks | Hammond, Joseph L. | Addison-Wesley Pub. | 1986 |
364 | English for mathematicians | Dorozhkina, V.P. | Moscow university publishing house | 1986 |
365 | Hard disk management for the IBM PC, XT, AT, and compatible systems | Cain, Thomas | Prentice Hall Press | 1986 |
366 | Microsoft GW-BASIC Interpreter | Microsoft Press | 1986 | |
367 | L'accès Automatisé à L'information | Chaumier, Jacques | Entreprise moderne dedition | 1986 |
368 | COBOL Perfectionnement et Pratique | Koutchouk, Michel | Masson | 1986 |
369 | C par L'exemple | Mauffrey, Annie | Eyrolles | 1986 |
370 | Qu'est-ce que le P.E.R.T.? | Lissarrague, Jean | Dunod | 1986 |
371 | The art of Prolog | Sterling, Leon | MIT Press | 1986 |
372 | Graphisme Scientifique sur Micro-Ordinateur | Dony, Robert | Masson | 1986 |
373 | Profs-Assistance Programmes en Basic sur MO5, TO7/70 et apple II | Nielsen, Danniel | P.S.I. | 1986 |
374 | STACS 86 | Monien, B. | Springer-Verlag | 1986 |
375 | Relational Database Technology | Alagić, Suad | Springer-verlag | 1986 |
376 | Une Approche de Conception D'une Base de Donnees Coherentes et Completes | Luong, Bich Thuy Dong Nhi | Editions Geneve | 1986 |
377 | Clefs pour dBase II et III | Keller, Michel | P.S.I | 1986 |
378 | Progiciels de comptabilité | Rubiello, Luc | Dunod | 1986 |
379 | Progiciels de paie et de gestion de personnel | Dupuy, Jean-Yves | Dunod | 1986 |
380 | Les disques magnétiques et leurs interfaces | Meneut, Jean | Tests | 1986 |
381 | Bases de donnees relationnelles mythes et réalites | Flory, A. | Eyrolles | 1986 |
382 | Introduction a reflex | Ericson, Robert | SYBEX | 1986 |
383 | Excel | Cobb, Douglas | Cedic nathan | 1986 |
384 | Excel | Mynhier Judy | Cedic nathan | 1986 |
385 | Automate, ordinateur et re'gulation applications | Coquelet, Pierre | Editests | 1986 |
386 | Lectures in geometry | Postnikov, M. | Mir | 1986 |
387 | Applied Problems in Probability Theory | Wentzel, E. | Mir Publishers | 1986 |
388 | Computer languages. A guide for the perplexed | Baron, Naomi S. | Anchor Press | 1986 |
389 | Medical uses of statistics | Bailar, John C. | NEJM Books | 1986 |
390 | Schaum's Outline of Theory and Problems of Computer Graphics | Plastock, Roy A. | McGraw-Hill | 1986 |
391 | Statistics for Business and Economics | McClave, James T. | Dellen Pub. | 1985 |
392 | An Introduction to Linear Algebra with Applications | Roman, Steven | Saunders College Pub | 1985 |
393 | Precalculus: Functions and Graphs | Barnett, Raymond A. | McGraw-hill | 1985 |
394 | Applied linear statistical models | Neter, John | IRWIN | 1985 |
395 | Programmer en Assembleur | Pinaud, A. | Editions du P.S.I | 1985 |
396 | Introduction à I'intelligence Artificielle sur Micro-Ordinateur | James, Mike | Eyrolles | 1985 |
397 | Programmation avancée | Boussard, J. | Saint-Germain | 1985 |
398 | Grafcet et Logique Industrielle Programmée | Thelliez, S. | Bloulevard | 1985 |
399 | Compréhension Automatique du Langage Naturel le cas du Groupe Nominal en francais | Jayez, J-H. | Masson | 1985 |
400 | Expériences D'intelligence Artificielle en Basic | Krutch, J. | Eyrolles | 1985 |
401 | Guide Materiel et Logiciel 8086 - 8088 et Coprocesseur8088 | Saguez, Bertrand | Eyrolles | 1985 |
402 | Bases de Donnees Relationnelles | Gardarin, G. | Eyrolles | 1985 |
403 | Bases de Données les Systèmes et Leurs Languages | Gardarin, G. | Eyrolles | 1985 |
404 | Informatique Appliquee a la Computabilite et a laGestion.T2 | Reix, R. | Foucher | 1985 |
405 | Gestion de la Masse Salariale sur Micro-Ordinateur | Merck, B. | Masson | 1985 |
406 | Programmer en assembleur | Pinaud, Alain | P.S.I | 1985 |
407 | Construction Logique de Programmes Cobol | Koutchouk, Michel | Masson | 1985 |
408 | Programmer Votre Macintosh | Andrieux, A. | McGraw-hill | 1985 |
409 | Introduction aux Reseaux de Files D'attente | Gelenbe, E. | Boulevard saint germain | 1985 |
410 | Construction et Transformation des Programmes | Dominique Warnier, Jean | Rousselet | 1985 |
411 | La Pratique de la Gestion des Stocks | Zermati, Pierre | Dunod | 1985 |
412 | Les systèmes microprogrammés | Maurin, Thierry | Dunod | 1985 |
413 | Le Système D'exploitation MS-DOS | Politis, Roger | Eyrolles | 1985 |
414 | Graphismes sur IBM PC (XT) Compatibles 2d, 3d, animation, gestion | Cuellar, Gabriel | Eyrolles | 1985 |
415 | Advanced database techniques | Martin, Daniel | MIT Press | 1985 |
416 | Bases de Données Méthodes Pratiques sur Maxi et Mini-Ordinateurs | Martin, Daniel | Dunod | 1985 |
417 | Le "check - up" de la P.M. | Schaer, Jean-Jacques | Editions d’Organisation | 1985 |
418 | Comment construire le tableau de bord | Sulzer, Jean Richel | Dunod | 1985 |
419 | Guide de L'analyse Informatique | Sornet, Jacques | D'organisation | 1985 |
420 | Analyse des Couts et Controle de Gestion | Burlaud, A. | Vuibert | 1985 |
421 | Les Extensions au Cobol A. N. S. | Bonnin, Christian | Eyrolles | 1985 |
422 | Analyses Informatiques Dynamiques | Abraham, Louis | Clet | 1985 |
423 | Comment Protéger Votre Micro Matériel et Logiciel | Highland, Harold Joseph | Masson | 1985 |
424 | Aller Plus Loin en LOGO | Weidenfeld, Gerard | Eyrolles | 1985 |
425 | Algorithmes de Classification | Roux | Masson | 1985 |
426 | CP/M-86 Concurrent CP/M Concurrent PC-DOS | Cervoni, Laurent | Eyrolles | 1985 |
427 | Applications Graphiques Pour Macintosh | Pfeiffer, Andreas | Cedic/nathan | 1985 |
428 | Introduction aux Automatismes Industriels | Lecourtier, Yves | Masson | 1985 |
429 | Programmation en Assembleur du 68000 et des Circuits D'interface | Brown, Frank | Editests | 1985 |
430 | Plus Loin Avec Dbase III | Freedman, Alan | P.S.I. | 1985 |
431 | Logistat - Analyse Statistique des Donneés | Tekaia, F. | Sybex | 1985 |
432 | Réseaux et Télématique. T 1 | Pujolle, G. | Eyrolles | 1985 |
433 | Réseaux et Télématique T.2 | Pujolle, Guy | Eyrolles | 1985 |
434 | Multiplan Pour IBM/PC | Thiriez, Herve | P.S.I. | 1985 |
435 | Le Langage de Recherche de Dbase III | Freedman, Alan | P.S.I. | 1985 |
436 | 50 Modèles Multiplan Pour Gérer sur Apple II et IBM/PC | Gysel, Philippe | P.S.I. | 1985 |
437 | Introduction a L'analyse Financiere sur Multiplan/PC | Baumarti, Eric | Editions du P.S.I. | 1985 |
438 | Synthèse D'image | Hegron, G. | Dunod | 1985 |
439 | UNIX sur IBM PC | Twitty, William | Eyrolles | 1985 |
440 | Systèmes D'exploitation des IBM PC DOS1.1, 2.0, 2.1, 3.0, 3.1/PC-IX, XENIX | Foor, G. | Dunod | 1985 |
441 | LISP Une Introduction à la Prorgammation | Wertz, H. | Masson | 1985 |
442 | Micro-Prolog: Programmer en Logique | Clark, K.L. | Eyrolles | 1985 |
443 | Eurocal ' 85 | Caviness, Bob F. | Springer-Verlag | 1985 |
444 | Rewriting Techniques and Applications | Jouannaud, Jean-Pierre | Springer-Verlag | 1985 |
445 | Eurocal ' 85 | Buchberger, Bruno | Springer-Verlag | 1985 |
446 | A study in String Processing Languages | Klint, Paul | Springer-Verlag | 1985 |
447 | Trace Theory and VLSJ Design | Van de Snepscheut, L. A. | Springer Verlag | 1985 |
448 | Portal Language Description | Businger, Arnold | Springer-verlag | 1985 |
449 | Database Machines | DeWitt, D.J. | Springer-Velage | 1985 |
450 | Information management for engineering design | Katz, Randy H. | Springer-Verlag | 1985 |
451 | Automata on Infinite Words | Nivat, M. | Springer-Verlag | 1985 |
452 | A Survey of Verification Techniques for Parallel Programs | Barringer, Howard | Springer-Verlag | 1985 |
453 | A Hierarchical Associative Processing System | Stüttgen, Heinrich J. | Springer verlag | 1985 |
454 | Mathematical Foundations of Software Development | Ehrig, Hartmut | Springer-Verlag | 1985 |
455 | STACS 85 | Mehlhorn, K. | Springer-Verlag | 1985 |
456 | Paragon | Sherman, Mark Steven | Springer-Verlag | 1985 |
457 | The Munich Project CIP | Friedrich Ludwig, Bauer | Springer-Verlag | 1985 |
458 | Distributed Systems | Paul, M. | Springer-Verlag | 1985 |
459 | Automata Languages and Programming | Brauer, W. | Springer-verlag | 1985 |
460 | Fundamentals of Computation Theory | Budach, Lothar | Springer-Verlag | 1985 |
461 | Foundations of Software Technology and Theoretical Computer Science | Maheshwari, S.N | Springer-Verlag | 1985 |
462 | Functional Programming Languages and Computer Architecture | Jouannaud, Jean-Pierre | Springer-verlag | 1985 |
463 | Time Series Package (TSPACK) | Chaghaghi, Francois S. | Springer-Verlag | 1985 |
464 | Office Automation | Tsichritzis, Dionysios C. | Spinger - Verlag | 1985 |
465 | Query processing in database systems | Kim, Won | Springer-verlag | 1985 |
466 | Modern Calculus | Khayat, N.L. | E1 Madina press | 1985 |
467 | Le langage Modula 2 | Verscheure, Francis | Editests | 1985 |
468 | Circuits périphériques de la famille 68000 | Jaulent, Patrick | Eyrolles | 1985 |
469 | The Elements of Graphing Data | Cleveland, William S. | Wadsworth Advanced Books and Software | 1985 |
470 | UNIX and XENIX | Topham, Douglas W. | Brady Communications Co. | 1985 |
471 | Applied Numerical Analysis | Gerald, Curtis F. | Addison-Wesley | 1984 |
472 | The quarterly journal of mechanics and applied | Oxford University Press | 1984 | |
473 | Multi-Dimensional Searching and Computational Geometry | Mehlhorn, Kurt | Springer-Verlag | 1984 |
474 | Le choix du Progiciel en Informatique Professionnelle | Tanguy, Jacques | CXP | 1984 |
475 | Applications du Z80 | Coffon, James W. | Berkeley | 1984 |
476 | La Reconnaissance des Formes par Algorithmes | Simon, Jean Claude | Masson | 1984 |
477 | Mise en Oeuvre du 68000 | Vieillefond, C. | Berkeley | 1984 |
478 | La Préparation des Fichiers Pour les Analyses Multivariables sur Micro-Ordinateurs | Laval, P. | Masson | 1984 |
479 | La Transportabilité du Logiciel | Lecarme, Olivier | Masson | 1984 |
480 | Multiplan sur IBM PC Excercises de gestion | Bonnet, Philippe | Edimicro | 1984 |
481 | Analyse Factorielle de Tableaux Multiples | Foucart, T. | Masson | 1984 |
482 | Data Structures and Algorithms 2 | Mehlhorn, Kurt | Springer-Verlag | 1984 |
483 | Gestion Stratégique des Couts et des Prix DansL'entreprise | Phelizon, J.F. | Masson | 1984 |
484 | Algorithmique et Représentation des Données | Schooll, P.C. | Masson | 1984 |
485 | LISP Mode D'emploi | Queinnec, Christian | Boule saint germain | 1984 |
486 | Exercices Pratiques de Programmation en Cobol A. N. S. 74 | Bonnin, CH. | Editions Eyrolles | 1984 |
487 | Le COBOL A. N. S. | Bonnin, Christian | Eyrolles | 1984 |
488 | Programmation 1. Du Problème à L'algorithme | Durin, A. | Dunod | 1984 |
489 | Programmation 2. De L'algorithme au Programme Basic-Pascal-LSE | Ducrin, A. | Dunod | 1984 |
490 | Multiplan pour l’entreprise | Hellé, Dominique | SYBEX | 1984 |
491 | Programmez vos Graphiques sur micro-ordinateur | Marshall, G. | Rousselet | 1984 |
492 | Ordonnancement en Temps Réel | Pouget, J. P. | Masson | 1984 |
493 | Gestion du Personnel | Peretti, J.M | Vuibert | 1984 |
494 | La Mise en Place des Systèmes D'information | Rigaud, L. | Dunod | 1984 |
495 | Techniques de Compilation | Gallaire, H. | Cepadues | 1984 |
496 | Initiation à L'informatique Communale | Kelner, Chiristian | Masson | 1984 |
497 | De Visicalc a Vision | Bourdeu, Jacques | Sybex | 1984 |
498 | Analyses Informatiques Dynamiques | Abraham, Louis | Clet | 1984 |
499 | Le Tableau de Bord du Décideur | Saulou, J.Y. | D'organisation | 1984 |
500 | Politique D'achat et Gestion des Approvisionnements | Bruel, Olivier | Dunod | 1984 |
501 | Programmer en Modula-2 | Wirth, Niklaus | Eyrolles | 1984 |
502 | Cas Pratiques D'Organisation et Gestion de L'entreprise | Mikol, Alain | CLET edi. Banque | 1984 |
503 | VISICALC Applications | Trost, Stanley R. | Sybex | 1984 |
504 | Analyse Formelle D'algorithmes | Lesuisse, R. | Masson | 1984 |
505 | Ge'nie Logiciel | Thorin, Marc | Masson | 1984 |
506 | Algorithmique du Paralle'lisme leproble'me de l'exclusion mutuelle | Raynal, Michel | Afcet | 1984 |
507 | Le Système Mem DOS Conception de Programmes | Clerc, Pierre | Edi Tests | 1984 |
508 | Guide Pratique de L'enseignement Assiste par Ordinateur | Lefevre, Jean Michel | Cedic | 1984 |
509 | Systémes Informatiques Répartis | Cornafion | Dunod | 1984 |
510 | Mathématiques Pour Micro-Informatique | Barden, W. | Dunod | 1984 |
511 | Distributed databases | Ceri, Stefano | McGraw-Hill | 1984 |
512 | BASIC Programming for the IBM Personal Computer | Lien, David A. | W.C. Brown Publishers | 1984 |
513 | Analysis and Optimization of Systems | Springer-Verlag | 1984 | |
514 | Analysis and optimization of systems | A. Bensoussan and J.L. Lions | Springer-Verlag | 1984 |
515 | EUROSAM 84.International Symposium on Symbolic and Algebraic Computation | Springer-Verlag | 1984 | |
516 | Logic and machines | Börger, E.... | Springer-Verlag | 1984 |
517 | System Modelling and Optimization | Thoft-Christensen, P. | Springer-Verlag | 1984 |
518 | Modelling and Perforrmance Evaluation Methodology | Baccelli, F. | Springer-Verlag | 1984 |
519 | Feedback Shift Registers | Ronse, Christian | Springer-Verlag | 1984 |
520 | International Symposium on Programming | Paul, M. | Springer-Verlag | 1984 |
521 | Programming Languages and Their Definition | Bekič, H. | Springer-Verlag | 1984 |
522 | How to Multiply Matrices Faster | Pan, Victor | Springer-Verlag | 1984 |
523 | P-Functions and Boolean Matrix Factorization | Thayse, André | Springer-Verlag | 1984 |
524 | Filtering and Control of Random Processes | Korezlioglu, H. | Springer-Verlag | 1984 |
525 | Large sparse numerical optimization | Coleman, Thomas F. | Springer-Verlag | 1984 |
526 | VLSI engineering | Kunii, Tosiyasu L | Springer-Verlag | 1984 |
527 | Logics of programs Workshop | Parikh, Rohit | Springer-Verlag | 1984 |
528 | Stackelberg Differential Games in Economic Models | Bagchi, Arunabha | Springer-Verlag | 1984 |
529 | Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science 1984 | Chytil, M.P. | Springer-Verlag | 1984 |
530 | Systeme D'exploitation et Logiciel de Base des Micro-Ordinateurs | Jouvelot, P. | Techniques & scientifiques | 1984 |
531 | Computation theory | Skowron, Andrzej | Springer-Verlag | 1984 |
532 | Ada Software Tools Interfaces Workshop, Bath, July 13-15, 1983 | Wallis, Peter J.L. | Springer-Verlag | 1984 |
533 | Foundations of software technology and theoretical computer science | Goos, G. | Springer-Verlag | 1984 |
534 | Générateur Automatique de Programme | Remy, M. | Masson | 1984 |
535 | Data structures and Algorithms 1 | Mehlhorn, K. | Springer-Verlag | 1984 |
536 | La Solution RS - 232 | Campbell, J. | Sybex | 1984 |
537 | Semantics of data types | Kahn, G. | Springer-verlag | 1984 |
538 | NC - Maschinen | Beuth verlag GMBH | 1984 | |
539 | Automata, Languages and Programming | Paredaens, Jan | Springer- Verlag | 1984 |
540 | Readings on cognitive Ergonomics- Mind and Computers | Veer, G.C. van der | Springer-Verlag | 1984 |
541 | Stacs 84.Symposium of Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science, | Fontet, M. | Springer-Verlag | 1984 |
542 | How to buy software | Glossbrenner, Alfred | St. Martin’s Press | 1984 |
543 | The Cognitive Computer | Schank, Roger C. | Addison-Wesley Pub. Co., | 1984 |
544 | Programming Languages | Stiegler, Marc | A baen book | 1984 |
545 | Softwhere | Moore Data Management Services | 1984 | |
546 | C primer plus | Waite, Mitchell | Howard W.Sams & Co. | 1984 |
547 | Computer culture | Pagels, Heinz R. | New York Academy of Sciences | 1984 |
548 | Mathematics for everyone | Buxton, Laurie | Schocken books | 1984 |
549 | Generalized Linear Models | McCullagh, P. | Chapman and Hall | 1983 |
550 | Algorithmique et representation | Lucas, Mitchel | Masson | 1983 |
551 | Equations Intégrales de la Théorie de L'élasticité | Parton, V. | Mir | 1983 |
552 | Statistische Methoden fur Die Zuverlassigkeitsanalyse | Hartler, Gisela | Veb berlag tech. | 1983 |
553 | Régression Linéaire sur Micro-Ordinateurs | Foucart, T. | Barcelone Milan | 1983 |
554 | Introduction aux Analyses Statistiques Multidimensionnelles.3 Edition Avec Exemples D'appl | Lefebvre, Jacques | Masson | 1983 |
555 | Introduction au Traitement de Texte | Glatzer, H. | Sybex | 1983 |
556 | Langages de Programmation 1 | Berche, Stephane | P.S.I. | 1983 |
557 | Bases de Données | Tomas, Jean-Louis | Masson | 1983 |
558 | Algorithmique et Représentation des Donnees | Lucas, Michel | Masson | 1983 |
559 | Programmation Structurée Language Pascal | Lortal, R. | Masson | 1983 |
560 | Synchronisation de Programmes Parallèles | André, Françoise | Dunod | 1983 |
561 | Cobol Initiation et Pratique | Bares, Michel | Dunod | 1983 |
562 | Cobol 74. Approche Systématique Illustrée D'exemples | Strohmeier, A. | Boulevard saint germain | 1983 |
563 | Algorithmique | Berlioux, Pierre | Dunod | 1983 |
564 | Maintenance du Logiciel | Glass, R.L. | Masson | 1983 |
565 | PASCAL Manuel de L'utilisateur | Jensen, K. | Eyrolles | 1983 |
566 | L'algorithmique de la Pratique a la The'orie | Chaty, G. | Cedic | 1983 |
567 | Réseaux de Petri: Théorie et Pratique | Brams, G.W. | Masson | 1983 |
568 | L'informatique Sans Programmeurs | Martin, J. | Rousselet | 1983 |
569 | Conception et Réalisation Assistées Par Ordinateur de Logiciel |