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International Conference on Multimedia Analysis and Pattern Recognition (MAPR)
After the success of the first MAPR 2018, we are pleased to announce the second International Conference on Multimedia Analysis and Pattern Recognition (MAPR) supported by VAPR (Vietnamese Association on Pattern Recognition) will be held in Ho Chi Minh city on May 9-10, 2019. The aim of this conference is to bring together researchers and practitioners from both academia and industry for sharing their latest research findings, experimental results and consolidating potential collaborations on pattern recognition, multimedia analysis and related areas. We welcome papers that cover, but are not limited to, one or several of the following topics:
Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning
• Statistical, Syntactic and Structural Pattern Recognition
• Machine Learning and Data Mining
• Dimensionality Reduction and Manifold Learning
• Classification and Clustering
• Graphical Models for Pattern Recognition
• Deep Learning
• Pattern Recognition for Big Data
• Transfer Learning
Multimedia Analysis
•Text, Image, Video and Speech Processing
•Image Segmentation
•Multimedia Feature Extraction
•Enhancement, Restoration and Filtering
•Coding, Compression and Super-resolution
•Multimedia Indexing and Retrieval
Biomedical Image Analysis and Biometrics
•Medical Image and Signal Analysis
•Biological Image and Signal Analysis
•Modeling, Simulation and Visualization
•Computer-aided Detection and Diagnosis
•Face, Fingerprint and Iris Recognition
•Gait Analysis
Computer Vision and Robot Vision
•2D/3D Object Detection and Recognition
•2D/3D Activity and Event Analysis
•Motion Analysis and Object Tracking
•Scene Understanding
•Stereo and Multiple View Geometry
•Vision for Robotics
•Face Detection, Tracking and Recognition
•Gesture Representation and Recognition
•Egocentric Vision
Document Analysis and Recognition
•Document Structure Analysis
•Mathematical Expression Recognition
•Character and Text Recognition
•Handwriting Recognition
•Graphics Recognition
•Document Understanding
•Visual Inspection Diagnosis
•Food and Agriculture Product Quality Assessment
•Visually-impaired People Mobility Aid
•Mobile Application
•Multimedia Search Engine
The MAPR Doctoral Consortium will provide a unique opportunity to students to interact with renowned and experienced researchers in the field, and discuss with them their ongoing research and career plans. PhD students have to be the first author of the paper.
Submission deadline : November 8, 2018
Acceptance notification : January 8, 2019
Camera-ready : April 10, 2019
Conference date : May 9-10, 2019
Authors are invited to submit their papers with 6-page length (regular paper), 4-page length (doctorial consortium paper) including text, references, tables and figures in the IEEE standard template. MAPR 2019 submissions are anonymous, and must conform to the instructions for double-blind review. The papers are submitted electronically through Easychair. Accepted and presented papers will be published in the conference proceedings and IEEE Xplore® (IEEE Digital Library)
Inquiries about the conference should be directed to: mapr2019@uit.edu.vn
Website: mapr2019.uit.edu.vn/
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