Thứ Ba, 01/04/2025

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Thứ Ba, 14:40 29/01/2019

Honoring Ceremony of Lecturers, students with excellent achievements in scientific publication in 2017

On July 16th, 2018, an Open Ceremony for Master and Ph.D. courses in Graduate University of Science and Technology (GUST) was hold to award new Ph.D. and announced postdoctoral fellows Graduate University of Science and Technology (GUST) honored scientists with outstanding achievements in scientific research in 2017.

In 2017, there were 212 publications from GUST scientists, lecturers, students in scientific and technological fields including 110 articles published in ISI Journal; 03 articles published in Scopus Journal; 17 articles published in international journals with Standard Serial Number (ISSN); 82 articles published in professional journals of the Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology.

GUST not only provided great financial support for each publication but also adopted special award policies for distinguished scientists. In details, Rector of GUST awarded Certificate of Merit and 30 million VND to scientists who had over 10 journals indexed by ISI, Certificate of Merit and 10 million VND to scientists whose publications had the highest impact factor index in that year. The group of outstanding specialists:

I. The authors have more than 10 publications in ISI journals list.

1.Prof. Dr. Tran Dai Lam

Graduate University of Science & Technology

Faculty of Chemistry

2.Dr. Nguyen Xuan Cuong

Institute of Marine Biochemistry

Faculty of Chemistry

II. The authors have publications in ISI journals with the highest impact factor index (Green Chemistry Journals, IF 8.586).

1. M.S. Nguyen Le Anh

Institute of Chemistry

Faculty of Chemistry

2.Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ngo Quoc Anh

Institute of Chemistry

Faculty of Chemistry

On behalf of eminent scientists, speaking about the financial support and intellectual property diploma in GUST, Dr. Nguyen Xuan Cuong said: "This is a very meaningful and practical program to acknowledge scientific achievements, encouraging GUST’s lecturers, scientists, PhD students and master students. As a lecturer in GUST’s Faculty of Chemistry, Dr. Nguyen Xuan Cuong said: “the financial support for scientific publications and intellectual property diplomas in GUST will continue to receive the attention and participation of numerous lecturers, scientists and students in GUST, enhancing the position in the field of training and scientific research of GUST as well as VAST.

Honoring Ceremony of Lecturers, students with excellent achievements in scientific publication in 2017

Dr. Nguyen Xuan Cuong, Faculty of Chemistry, representing individuals with excellent achievements in scientific publications spoke his opinion.

The financial support for publications and intellectual property will gain growing recognition among GUST’s lecturers, students. It is expected that in the future researchers and students of the Academy will actively publish their outstanding scientific achievements reaching higher ranks in training and scientific fields for GUST as well as VAST in international scale.

Some photos of the Director awarding certificates of merit and awards in honor seminar for individuals with excellent achievements in scientific publication.

Honoring Ceremony of Lecturers, students with excellent achievements in scientific publication in 2017

Honoring Ceremony of Lecturers, students with excellent achievements in scientific publication in 2017

Honoring Ceremony of Lecturers, students with excellent achievements in scientific publication in 2017